All we ask is a little standardization

Cole Mayer, Managing Editor

As the semester winds down, tensions are certainly rising. Some of those rising tensions could be avoided if professors would just use a little bit of standardization. As students we adapt to all professors’ ways of teaching and organizing their classes. Each professor is different. That is understandable, but when it comes to keeping students on top of grades, the difference just adds to the tensions at hand. We have narrowed down three types of professors at our university and how they manage and organize their online presence.

The first type of professor is the one our millennial generation fully appreciates. The professor who uses Blackboard to the fullest, readily updates and creates assignment turn-in options, and even understands how to use Google Docs, presentation and sheets. They keep the class syllabus updated when changes are necessary by supplying an online version of what most would call the class contract. Another important aspect is that they keep grades for submitted assignments updated and recent within reason.

The second type of professor is the one who has tried to adapt to the use of computers and online presence in education but hasn’t adapted fully. They use Blackboard at the beginning of the class year but slowly drift off until they no longer use Blackboard. They may have students turn in one or maybe two assignments online, but prefer a printed copy. Google and its office suite is still uncharted territory but have become increasingly open to students using it as way to complete group projects and assignments. Grades can be expected when mandated by the university, which means midterm and finals. 

The third type of professor is the one that seems to have made minimum adaptation to the 21st century. Blackboard site may be created but never updated or used enough to make it worthwhile. Google Docs is so foreign to their understanding that one wouldn’t even try to suggest uploading an assignment to Blackboard or submitting an assignment in a PDF format. We understand that each professor has their own understanding of how to use the digital age. We would just ask that some things stay standard across the board.

While we know we must learn to adjust to everyone’s strengths, having a standard on how syllabi and grades are created and updated would relieve some pressure put on students, particularly during midterms and finals. Using Google Docs and having the syllabus and schedule easily updated would help keep students on track of assignments. Adapting to a more convenient way of professor-to-student communication would only help students’ success in the class.