Keep it in perspective


Finals—that time of year we both dread and long for is upon us. While it’s not always so terrible, the familiar sense of impending doom will often take root in the souls of lowly college students. It prevents us from having the energy to get out of our beds, let alone to finish three papers, study for two exams and—worst of all—complete that excruciatingly painful group project. (Just the sound of that makes you shudder, doesn’t it? Group project. Whatever you believe in, may it/she/he have mercy on us.)

Here’s the thing—the anxiety that accompanies the final weeks of the semester will never completely go away. A small amount of anxiety is good; it motivates you to stay engaged near the end of classes. However, it can be dealt with in a more healthy way if you just keep a few things in mind.

1.) Grades aren’t everything. They’re important, but they’re not everything. If you are typically an A/B student, a C will not bring your world tumbling down. Additionally, if you are typically an A/B student, the reason you are getting that C is probably not because you didn’t try or you didn’t learn anything, but because you actually challenged yourself. You took your chances with the harder professor and/or the more rigorous coursework. Looking at it from a pure academic standpoint, if you truly applied yourself, the C you struggled to earn is worth more than the A you breezed through.

2.) College isn’t everything either. Obviously, we place great value on higher education, but nobody’s self worth is tied strictly to their success in college. Also, your current college experience won’t necessarily be your only college experience. Just ask some of the non-traditional students that are a part of this campus. Yes, you should make the most of these four years at Hamline, but don’t get caught up in thinking that this is the only chance you have to figure out your life. Here’s a reality check, you’re never going to be done figuring out your life. So don’t beat yourself up for making a mistake now and then. You’re going to be making plenty more.

3.) It won’t last forever. As stated in one of our favorite musicals of all time, Avenue Q, “Except for death and paying taxes, everything in life is only for now.” Whatever crisis you’re facing near the end of the term, for better or for worse, it will eventually end. Instead of losing yourself in the woe of failure, accept any mistakes you may have made and move on from them.

It all comes down to keeping everything that happens in your life in perspective. No single moment (or grade) will make or break you.

Besides, you’ve got this. We believe in you. So go kick some finals-week butt.